Q - Where is your showroom ? Can I see your machines set up ?
A - My showroom is located at Unit 6, 24 Brand Drive Thomastown 3074 Victoria Australia.

Q - Can I see the game I'm looking at buying ?
A - Feel free to call in to our showroom OR I can take detailed photos of the game you are interested in and email to you.

Q - I don't see any of your games listed on eBay ?
A - I sell a game on eBay once a year. All other games are reserved by collectors. I rarely have a game "for sale" as they are pre orders from customers.

Q - So how do I reserve a game, and how long does it take ?
A - Reserving a game is easy. Once we agree on the scope of work, a 10% deposit is payable, and the game is reserved.
The timeframe depends on whether you want a reconditioning or restoration. This will be an agreement depending on my current workload.

Q - I bought a machine from a dealer. Will you fix it ?
A - The game should come with a warranty. If it is still under warranty, you need the Dealer to honor it.

Q - My game is under dealer warranty, but I'm not happy with the standard, and they won't fix it - can you assist?
A - For a fee I can provide an assessment of repairs that you can forward to the dealer.

Q - I just bought a container pin. Can you recondition or restore it ?
A - Absolutely. Most of my current customers will buy container or project pins and I can repair, recondition or restore.

Q - If I bring a game I want reconditioned or restored, how long will it take ?
A - That depends on my workload and the level of restoration, I am more than happy to assess the game and give you an indication based on what I see.

Q - Do I save money buying cheaper container pins ?
A - That depends. The cost saving can be negated by the amount of extra effort to recondition or restore the game and the cost of ongoing repairs.

Q - You don't have the game I want in your inventory.
A - That's fine. I can either source it for you, or you can buy from the many dealers or importers and I will recondition or restore the game to my standards.

Q - Why are your games cheaper than dealers, and sold in better condition - why ?
A - I don't "make up" expenses such as "overheads" and I don't have 55 "fictitious" staff members. I own the Business and I do all the work myself.
I'm responsible for every aspect of the work.

Q - Can you find me "insert game name here"
A - Most likely. I'm buying games all the time, and if your game appears on my radar, I'll pick it up from my many contacts across the globe.

Q - What parts do you use in your games ?
A - I buy original or genuine parts. I do not buy shop soiled or shelf stock that is 20 years old. I buy PinballInc Ramps distributed through RTBB.
Most other parts are from RTBB or sourced from the suppliers overseas.

Q - Do you work for, or are you affiliated with any other Pinball Company.
A - No. I work for APR. I'm not a "part timer", nor will I work for anyone else.